Comparison between Zeiss officelens and Zeiss Individual 2 progressive lens

Comparison between Zeiss Officelens and Zeiss Individual 2 progressive lens

The Zeiss Officelens is a special progressive lens geared towards people who spends a lot of time indoors or office environment, who need excellent and comfortable vision from near to intermediate distance. The Zeiss Individual 2 progressive lens on the other hand are for people who spends equal amount of time in and out of the office and who requires excellent distance vision.

We have always recommend using a pair of Zeiss officelens (or other office lens) if you spend alot of time doing near work. However, as the officelens is meant for indoor or office use , distance vision might be slightly blur. Because of this some people reject the officelens because it “compromises” their distance vision. They would rather have a general progressive where distance vision is clear but have to compromise on their near vision performance. This is ironic because if you spend more than 1/2 your waking hours indoors and in front of the computers, why would you rather compromise the near vision performance and not the distance ?

No one progressive lens can do everything well . Some are very good for distance ( and not so for near and intermediate ) while others are good for near and intermediate (but not so for distance) .  If you do a lot of near work, we usually recommend one specific pair for near work and another pair for general use where distance vision is clear.

Recently one of our customer who is a happy user of Zeiss officelens decided to get another pair of Zeiss officelens (in photochromatic form) for outdoor use.

However, the Zeiss officelens does not come in photochromatic form so we recommended the Zeiss Individual 2 progressive lens to him. Since he is going to use it for golf, we reckon he would need very good distance vision with minimal distortion.

We have always maintained that the best progressive lens will not be able to out perform a specialist lens like the Zeiss officelens when it comes to the performance for near and intermediate vision. Using our state of the art lens analyzer,  we are able to see how a Zeiss officelens performs in relation to the Zeiss individual 2 . ( We made a similar comparison to the top of the line Varilux S series progressive lens by Essilor). Click here for the post.

Zeiss office vs Zeiss individual

From the above diagram, you can see that the Zeiss officelens out perform the Zeiss individual for near to intermediate ( in terms of zone width and lesser distortion ). The Zeiss individual 2 however has very wide distance zone and virtually no distortion . The near and intermediate zone is still relatively wide. How does our customer feel about the Individual 2 progressive compared to the Zeiss officelens ? As noted in the above diagram, he actually felt that in the near and intermediate zones , they are smaller and more distortion at the sides compared to the officelens. However , distance vision is excellent for the Individual 2 progressive.

The point of this post is to demonstrate that even the best progressive lens will not be able to do a job that it’s not meant to do. If you are going to spend more than 60% to 70% of your time indoor and in front of the computer, we will still recommend an office lens  and an additional pair of progressive lens for general usage.

As with any progressive lenses we recommend, we spend a lot time asking questions about your lifestyle and how you use your eyes, during and after the consultation to determine what kind of progressive lenses is most suitable for you.

More info about Zeiss officelens can be found below