In this post , we will compare Zeiss officelens and Essilor Physio F360 . Some would say such comparison is not valid as one is an office progressive lens and the other is a general purpose progressive lens.
Knowing our customer’s lifestyle and needs are very important as it helps us determine what lens to prescribe for our customers . In the past and even now, when someone says they can’t see clearly at near, many opticians and optometrist will just recommend a general purpose progressive to the customer without taking into account how they are going to use their eyes or what activities they are going to engage in.
One of our long time customer (in her early 40s) recently bought a pair of progressive spectacles overseas. She is in the process of adapting to it. Since she wants to replace the lenses in her other pair of frames, we recommended that she put office progressive instead so that she can have clear and comfortable vision at near and intermediate using the officelens and when she leaves the office, she can wear her normal progresive when she leaves the office.

This customer of ours works in the office and need to look at computer screen and spreadsheets during most of her office hours. We feel that a pair of officelens will benefit her more (in the office) then a pair of general purpose progressive.
The reading prescription for her officelens is slightly lower than her Physio F360 progressive. As can be seen from the above diagram, there is much lesser distortion in the lower area of the officelens compared to the Physio F360. This is likely due to the smaller change in power from the distance zone to the near zone in the officelens progressive. Our customer had complained of “waviness” when moving her head side to side when wearing the Physio F360 but not when she is wearing the Zeiss Officelens. It “feels more comfortable and natural” when wearing the officelens.
Our customer also reported that the reading and intermediate zone is also about 20% to 30% wider compared to the Physio F360 progressive lens. Because she can view a wider area when working on her desk, she does not need to move her head side to side as much compared to wearing a general progressive like the Physion F360. If we tweak the power on the Physio F360 such that the change in power from the distant zone to the near zone is the same as that of the Offiicelens, will it astigmatic contour plot and perform the same as the Officelens ? From the data that we have gathered so far, the Officelens is still better.
So what does all this mean for her ? For someone who works in front of the computer from 9am to 5pm (of cos with breaks in between), wearing the Zeiss officelens will give her better end of day comfort (less stress on the neck and less tired eyes) . Although the distance vision is slightly blurred with the officelens, she still find it acceptable walking around with it or wearing it like a normal progressive lens. However, the tolerance of distance blur varies between individuals. Some may find the slight blur tolerable while others may not. You don’t have to worry as the amount of blur will be demonstrated during the consultation process.
If you spend more than 50% of your time in the office or in front of your desk, looking at computers, dealing with customers, patients etc, we believe office lens is more suitable than a general progressive. Ideally, one should get a pair of general progressive lens for general use and a pair of officelens for office/indoor use. To give you the best of both world, at Evershine Optical, we are giving a discount of up to 50% off when you purchase the officelens as a 2nd pair of progressive lens. Do contact us or check in store for more information.