How eyeball length measurement predicted the increase in myopia for early intervention to control myopia progression.
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Myopia management
控制近视方法 新加坡
by TanJH onOK镜 也被称为 角膜塑形镜,英文名是 Orthokeratology (Ortho-K Lenses),是一种通过夜间佩戴来暂时矫正近视的硬性隐形眼镜. ok镜也能控制近视。
Continue ReadingOK镜能控制近视加深
by TanJH onOK镜也被称为 角膜塑形镜,是一种特殊的硬性隐形眼镜,通过对角膜的长期塑形作用,达到控制近视度数、提高裸眼视力、保护眼球结构和功能的作用
Continue ReadingIs Ortho K effective?
by TanJH onWhen your child is undergoing ortho k treatment, how do you know that the treatment is working or effective ? Read more to find out how we conduct ortho k assessment.
Continue ReadingOrtho K FAQs
by TanJH onAre you interested in Ortho K ? Here is a list of frequently asked questions.
Continue ReadingWhich is the best myopia control spectacle lenses?
by TanJH onStellest, MiyoSmart and MyoCare : which is the best to slow down myopia progression ?
Continue ReadingZEISS IOLMaster 500 to monitor your child’s myopia
by TanJH onMeasurement of axial length is one of the most accurate way to monitor myopia progression. That’s why we invested in the ZEISS IOLMaster 500 for our myopia management program.
Continue ReadingHOYA MiYOSMART SUN – New photochromic MiYOSMART lens
by TanJH onHoya Miyosmart Sun turns dark automatically outdoors and clear indoors. Control your child’s myopia and protect their eyes when they are outdoors.
Continue ReadingZEISS MyoCare – New myopia control lens
by TanJH onZEISS MyoCare is the latest myopia management lens from ZEISS Vision Care. The efficacy of ZEISS MyoCare has been demonstrated in their long term study involving more than 1000 children.
Continue ReadingOrtho-K Lenses Review
by evershineoptical onOrtho-K Lenses Review At Evershine Optical, Ortho-K lenses is available for the control of myopia for children. Based on our […]
Continue ReadingEssilor Stellest Review
by TanJH onHere we give a short review of Essilor’s Stellest myopia control spectacle lenses. How is it compared to Hoya Miyosmart ?
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